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Regional Medical Care Solutions

        Solution overview:
        ASDC regional Healthcare solution is based on the demands of the regional health informatization construction, the solutions, based on the resident health records as the core, carefully crafted integration solution cover infrastructure construction, application system and health information service. Containing general regional health unified network, data, application and identification recognition, meanwhile, focusing on data mining services and medical imaging interoperability on the basis of cloud platform.

        The health of residents file-based data management platform, data analysis, and decision support
        Residents Health Services (residents' health cards, appointment referral, chronic disease management, inspection test interoperability, remote group consultation)
        Comprehensive health management ( decision support, health supervision, business for disease control, maternal and child health care, emergency command, medical institutions management )
        Unified portal services (residents health portal, comprehensive health information management, Healthcare personnel management, medical institutions management)
        Cloud-based massive data analysis skills, providing strong supports of personal health, clinical and Healthcare management
        A full range of integration and development, configuration of multi interfaces,  strong accessibility
        Unified service architecture, design specifications, in line with the international HL7. The DICOM standard, convenient cross-regional networks;
        Persistent object engine
        Customizable end-to-end management


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